Gangjiu Limestone Fm
Type Locality and Naming
The type section is located at Redui Village, Gangjiu District, Zhongba County, Tibet. It was named by Wu Haoruo in 1984.
Lithology and Thickness
Limestone: Composed of light-grey, then pink massive limestones. Thickness is 30 m
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
Uncertain contact with the underlying strata. Gently overthrusting upon the intermediate volcanic rocks, grey slate and shale. Next older regional unit is the Xiukang Fm
Upper contact
Uncertain contact with the overlying strata
Regional extent
Found to occur only at the Redui Village, Gangjiu District, Zhongba County, Tibet.
The light-grey limestone yields Brachiopods as represented by Enteletes, Rugivestis, Comuquia, Urushtenia, Cleiothyridina, Spiriferellina, Notothyris, Hemiptychina, Dielasmina; Corals represented by Soshkineophyllum, Amplexocarinia; and Bryozoan represented by Fistulipora, Meckopora, Fenestella, Fistuliramus, and Fistulotrypa, etc.,
The pink massive limestone yields such Fusulinida as Reichelina; Foraminifera represented by Colaniella and Paracolaniella,
Depositional setting
Additional Information